West London Yamaha

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West London Yamaha Winterproofing Service

As the weather turns cold once again, it's important to make sure your bike is ready for Winter. Just like you don extra layers and snoods, your bike will also benefit from extra protection. Once the weather turns wet and roads start getting gritted, these materials can corrode sensitive parts of your bike. Taking steps to prevent this corrosion allows your bike to remain in good condition, which helps keep it technically sound and maintain its resale value.


This Winterproofing service involves a thorough wash of your motorcycle, followed by a coating of FS365 across the bike to protect the vulnerable parts from harmful road salts, grime and weathering. FS365 is a protective formula that protects and acts as a layer between the surface and outside elements. Once applied, it lasts anywhere between 3-6 months. Washing the bike normally doesn't remove the formula, so it's okay for you to wash your bike during this period.

£65.00 plus VAT


Winterproof B service includes a wash and valet of your motorcycle followed by application of FS365 protective formula. Once finished, the technician will thoroughly check your motorcycle including measuring / topping up of tyre pressures followed by adjusting your chain and applying Silkolene Chain Lube for added protection.

£80.00 plus VAT


The most complete Winterproofing package. This involves a thorough wash of your motorcycle, followed by a coating of the protective FS365 formula and a check over the bike. This includes topping up tyre pressures, plus adjusting and lubricating the chain where necessary.  Furthermore, a technician will also service the brake callipers - removing the brake pads and applying copper slip to them, copper slipping the brake pins, cleaning and siliconing the brake pistons. At this point, should the brake pads need replacing, it can be done without any additional labour charges.

£120.00 plus VAT

Throughout these Winterproofing services, our technicians will check your motorcycle and inform you of any concerns.

Just give our friendly team a call on 0208 783 1154 to book your Winterproofing service.  

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